1300TempFence is Australia’s preferred supplier in temporary fence hire. With over 24 years experience we know what works on your site.


At 1300TempFence, we have assisted on numerous major projects including but not inclusive of Road, Rail, Energy, Ports and Tunnels where our fully engineered systems are often a vital requirement. We ensure that our fully engineered systems are all certified by third party engineering consultants and all relevant engineering documents will be provided to you throughout the quoting and installation stages of your project. All testing documents are provided in accordance to the following Australian Standards: AS-4687:2022 Temporary Fencing and Hoardings.


  • More wind resistant than standard temporary fence
  • Fully engineered system
  • Certified by third party engineering consultants.

Why use our engineered temporary fence? In high wind prone areas, the use of shade cloth and printed banner mesh can create a “sail” type effect which can topple a fence with what might only be considered a mild breeze. The minimum standard according to AS-4687:2022 is that a fencing installation must be able to withstand a windspeed of 54 km/hr.

To combat this, we have engineered different bracing solutions to suit multiple wind speeds, from servicing the minimum requirement of Stability Class fence at 54km/hr right up to 147km/h depending on your site’s specific requirements.

Call 1300 836 733 to speak with our Temporary Fencing Specialists

Support Stays

Hook Stays

Shade Cloth