No construction site is complete without security and protection. Hoarding is a vital component, designed to shield your construction site from view of the public, as well as to prevent unauthorised access and prevent hazards of the construction site impacting the public.
All of our Timber Hoarding complies with local & state regulations, OH&S and is tested and certified to Australian Standard AS1170.2:2021 Temporary Fencing & Hoarding. Our above ground ground/Counterweight is compliant to AS4687 2022 Part 1 and 3.
Secure, long-lasting and cost-effective, our configurations are specifically designed to withstand the rigours of the modern building site. The development of our Hoarding Systems is guided by the highest standards of safety and consistency.

Looking to create visual impact? Working closely with the experienced designers at Signage HQ, we can design Printed Vinyl Banners that will ensure your hoarding has the impact it requires, ask us how!